
shirtless man sitting beside a classical temple

Last Shoot of the Year

It’s been a busy past couple of months. I’ve been cranking out new dimensional encaustic pieces in preparation for an art show in Cleveland. And, of course, the weather has started its gradual winter decline making location shoots difficult. Before that window of opportunity closed, I was able to work with the wonderful Devin from

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Abandoned Cleveland

Over the past two years I’ve been exploring my native city of Cleveland as a source for my figurative work. It’s odd that I have avoided it for so long. But now, with every investigation, I find more locations that stimulate fresh ideas and stir more themes of social reflection. This series of images was

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nude man sits in opening in concrete floor, leg dangling down

Time is a Thief

  I always talk about how the camera is a recording device for time. Those milliseconds of clicking shutter forever seal a sight, never to be repeated. With people, I always think of visual characteristics. They transform with time. I can easily note the differences in my own youthful pictures. The camera seals and protects

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front of old National Acme factory

Cleveland 2021

Cleveland is a city that has become symbolic of the social forces in our country for my work. I grew up in its shadow, barely visiting out of parental fear. Now I understand its maligned past. It is a symbol of human greed. Huge companies that built our country were located here. Westinghouse, Warner-Swasey, Ford,

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shirtless man looks out from porch

New Muse Blake

Vaccinations complete, ready to move on! After such a long pause, I’m back behind the lens with new work and a fresh face to photograph. This post features a new Ohio model who I had the good fortune to meet and start his portfolio with some amazing images. I quickly discovered that my model, Blake,

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nude man in abandoned house in twisted pose at top of yellow stairs

Zanesville Houses

You can never take for granted the assistance of friends and fellow artists. This grouping of images stems from suggestions from my wonderful friend and fellow artist, Linda Gall. I had been whining about the increasing loss of abandoned buildings in Columbus. So Linda suggested an exploration in her hometown of Zanesville. Zanesville has an

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multi-image fabrication - photos attached to panels, coated with encaustic

Pandemic Production

Images flow dream-like. Bits and pieces form a cohesive vision. As I look through my photos, I always see my ideal of the human body interacting with the setting. These are locations with which mankind relates and reciprocates. Many see these as wastelands, but I see them for their history and their significance in our

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two nude men in empty room of abandoned building looking in opposite directions

The Hartman Building

So back in 2000, this wonderful building became available as a setting. I had noticed it many times in the past since it was close to a popular restaurant. I loved its architectural style. Like so many buildings in the city its abandoned status caused concern. Then suddenly, makeshift barriers and fencing went up and

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