urban decay

nude man leaning against metal fencing in old industrial stairs looks at camera

St. Louis with Colin

Wow, it’s been too long since the last blog post. Well it’s time to let you know what the heck I’ve been doing. So this month’s post continues where I dropped off last year with my first photo safari to another city that made it’s mark building our country – St. Louis. In addition to […]

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Nude man gestures toward skylight in old factory

Bruno at the Factory

Bruno has tremendous fortitude. After spending one day exploring a couple of schools, the next was focused on slightly more open scenes including a church and an abandoned engine plant. Luckily the temperature was slightly warmer on day two, but the wind from Canada was intensifying. Bruno persevered with the dedication of a true artist.

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nude man writing on chalk board in old school

Bruno goes to school

As the photographic season slowly drew to a close, I became keenly aware of the increased difficulty shooting. The weather was getting more unpredictable and colder, of course. I was so happy to have collaborators like this months featured model, Bruno. I think his shoot was by far the most arduous. And the city of

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close-up of nude male figure

Esteban in Cleveland

What happens when you bring a professional dancer to abandoned locations? Well, you end up with some wonderfully expressive and interactive images! I discovered Esteban through Instagram, as I have with a few other talented guys. I was immediately captivated by his skills as a modern dancer. And since modern dancers aren’t constrained by the

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Abandoned Cleveland

Over the past two years I’ve been exploring my native city of Cleveland as a source for my figurative work. It’s odd that I have avoided it for so long. But now, with every investigation, I find more locations that stimulate fresh ideas and stir more themes of social reflection. This series of images was

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front of old National Acme factory

Cleveland 2021

Cleveland is a city that has become symbolic of the social forces in our country for my work. I grew up in its shadow, barely visiting out of parental fear. Now I understand its maligned past. It is a symbol of human greed. Huge companies that built our country were located here. Westinghouse, Warner-Swasey, Ford,

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nude man in abandoned house in twisted pose at top of yellow stairs

Zanesville Houses

You can never take for granted the assistance of friends and fellow artists. This grouping of images stems from suggestions from my wonderful friend and fellow artist, Linda Gall. I had been whining about the increasing loss of abandoned buildings in Columbus. So Linda suggested an exploration in her hometown of Zanesville. Zanesville has an

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