Cleveland nude

nude man sits in window opening

Zed’s Performance

This year’s outdoor work began a bit early. In April I reached out to a New York model who was visiting Cleveland for a convention. Luckily he agreed to work on short notice with the gradually warming weather. Perfect timing! This guy’s name is Zed and he had never really worked in an abandoned setting. […]

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aerialist practices hanging from rope in empty factory

Cleveland Gymnastics

  In the rush to catch up with my shoots, I completely lost track of this great session last year in Cleveland. My wonderful model, Zach, happened to be in town and we decided to try one more crack at the industrial blight around the city. So the remains of the Westinghouse and Hulett factories

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nude man looks over walled city in distance

Holiday Recap

The 2022 photography season truly began with Portugal. It was the first time that I felt comfortable enough to attempt a foreign country by myself. Armed with research done online, I had several destinations and a few contacts to assist with what became some of the best location work I’ve shot. This trip energized the

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nude man lays on stone railing

Wonderful Oliveé!

I am still trying to catch up with editing the summers activities. This month I’d like to feature work shot with the sweet Oliveé from New York. I was really impressed with his enthusiasm especially after a hideously complicated flight, which seems to be the norm anymore. Surprisingly he was unfazed with a calm demeanor

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close-up of nude male figure

Esteban in Cleveland

What happens when you bring a professional dancer to abandoned locations? Well, you end up with some wonderfully expressive and interactive images! I discovered Esteban through Instagram, as I have with a few other talented guys. I was immediately captivated by his skills as a modern dancer. And since modern dancers aren’t constrained by the

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shirtless man sitting beside a classical temple

Last Shoot of the Year

It’s been a busy past couple of months. I’ve been cranking out new dimensional encaustic pieces in preparation for an art show in Cleveland. And, of course, the weather has started its gradual winter decline making location shoots difficult. Before that window of opportunity closed, I was able to work with the wonderful Devin from

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Abandoned Cleveland

Over the past two years I’ve been exploring my native city of Cleveland as a source for my figurative work. It’s odd that I have avoided it for so long. But now, with every investigation, I find more locations that stimulate fresh ideas and stir more themes of social reflection. This series of images was

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multi-image fabrication - photos attached to panels, coated with encaustic

Pandemic Production

Images flow dream-like. Bits and pieces form a cohesive vision. As I look through my photos, I always see my ideal of the human body interacting with the setting. These are locations with which mankind relates and reciprocates. Many see these as wastelands, but I see them for their history and their significance in our

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