Cemeteries carry a negative and morbid perception to most people. Beneath the obvious reasons there exists esoteric beauty. The solitude, landscaping and architectural variations provide an almost limitless backdrop for photography. Therefore, a frequent choice for my work.

Older cemeteries are the best. Victorian cemeteries are even better! Finding these classic locations, you’ll quickly see how early generations demonstrated social status. There was competition, even among the dead, to prove your wealth. And that contest led to some creative and inspiring solutions.

My attraction is the human scale. Where else could you find examples of such incredible architecture at a size that compliments the figure. They provide backgrounds of heroic proportion.
This idea was not forgotten by the builders either. Truly, there are many examples of the nude even on tombs!

Of course, I’m giving out one of my trade secrets! Classical grace and symmetry only flatter the nude. They provide multiple layers of symbolism as well.
I will keep scouring the cities for future sites. It’s these grand urban centers hold the best specimens. In a future post I will feature some of the amazing architecture in a few of my favorite cemeteries, mostly European.
