urban archeology

nude man reclines on brick wall beside broken windows

Jason and St. Louis

In this post, I want to share the timeliness that is essential to my work. As soon as I discover new sites, they seem to disappear. That fear drives my need to capture as many of these places as possible before all is lost. It’s a race against the “homogenizing” of America. This post is […]

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front of old National Acme factory

Cleveland 2021

Cleveland is a city that has become symbolic of the social forces in our country for my work. I grew up in its shadow, barely visiting out of parental fear. Now I understand its maligned past. It is a symbol of human greed. Huge companies that built our country were located here. Westinghouse, Warner-Swasey, Ford,

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gothically dressed young man with red hair in front of gothic structure

Cemeteries as Visual Venue

Cemeteries carry a negative and morbid perception to most people. Beneath the obvious reasons there exists esoteric beauty. The solitude, landscaping and architectural variations provide an almost limitless backdrop for photography. Therefore, a frequent choice for my work. Older cemeteries are the best. Victorian cemeteries are even better! Finding these classic locations, you’ll quickly see

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huge strip mine shovel

Big Muskie

After discovering the Big Muskie while on a portrait shoot outside of Zanesville, Ohio, I knew this was something I had to shoot. The Muskie was a relic of an industrial age gradually disappearing. It was one of the largest shovels ever built. A iron monster sitting in the middle of nowhere begging to be

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front of house shot from road with no trespassing sign, home covered with vines

Gone so quickly…

So this is another urban exploration post that I feel helps elaborate the desolation, despair and urgency associated with many of the sites I discover. Always hoping to make each location another page in my thematic view of the world. So this house was discovered in 2017. It had sat quietly in a thick grove

Gone so quickly… Read More »

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