shirtless man leaning against wire fence


nude man climbing ladder, looking sideways

nude man climbing ladder, looking sideways

With this post, I decided to demonstrate the power of the angular viewpoint.

An initial lesson which always stuck in my mind was to remove yourself from the normal plane of standing. Combining a low or high perspective combined with radical angle can dramatically influence your image.

close-up of shirtless man on corrugated metal

close-up of shirtless man on corrugated metal

I have always sought a dynamic perspective to many of my images. It’s an ongoing challenge. Many times architectural elements can dictate the vision.

But here on the farm, the barn and other buildings form a wonderful geometric pattern that help isolate the body.

nude man sitting on ladder in barn

nude man sitting on ladder in barn

I also felt it was important to see the variation of reaction with both color and monochrome. Color always seems so immediate, carrying a sense of present tense. While black and white give a feeling of timelessness.

It’s terrific to have that option available for an artist to determine at a later time.

nude man reaches up for light in barn

nude man reaches up for light in barn

Please take your time and look at both versions independently. See which peaks your sensibilities the most.

Many times I find it difficult to decide, especially since I tend to maintain a neutral palette even with color. No doubt there is benefit to each.

looking up at nude man in silo

looking up at nude man in silo

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